When the test is ENOUGH
Take a unique and extremely accurate blood test to check selected oncological diseases.
It is the first and only test based on the assessment of glycan changes in the body.
It reveals early stages of cancer that can be overlooked by imaging techniques.
It reduces the number of false positives that can lead to the need for repeated examinations and biopsies.
How the test works
The Giasay® test uses a patented technology based on the evaluation of glycan changes in the blood to check oncological diseases.
Glycans are special sugars that are part of a number of important processes in the body, they determine, for example, the type of our blood group. They are believed to have greater potential in the diagnosis of selected diseases than DNA.
More information in the videoExplore the available tests
We are constantly developing new possibilities
About the company Glycanostics
We are an innovative company that is ready to break new ground in medicine thanks to highly accurate and unique cancer diagnostics in the early stages of the development of the disease. Our patented technology uses modern nanotechnology in the form of using magnetic particles to track glycan changes.
The company was founded in 2017 by Ján Tkáč and Tomáš Bertók, two scientists who have received international recognition and numerous awards for their scientific work. Our vision is to prevent disease, alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life of people worldwide.